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Empowering Precise and Efficient Underwater Inspections


NAVIA™ is the pilot's best friend in complex subaquatic environments. It is designed to elevate your dive missions by providing a complete solution for assisted data collection, automated payload integrations and advanced navigation capability in murky waters. Its intuitive interface enables easy control of EXRAY ROV on its own and with a FLYOUT configuration. NAVIA™ comes included as a standard interface with each EXRAY™ robot.

 NAVIA™ enhances underwater missions with assisted data collection, automated payloads, and advanced navigation.



NAVIA™ extends to an add-on INSPECTION STATION that enables an inspector who follows the mission to work on data recording and make notes. This has advantages of a pilot focusing on the navigation and control whereas the inspector focuses on the best quality of data collection. All data collected and its annotations are immediately composed into a mission report that can be shared with the client right away.

NAVIA™'s INSPECTION STATION lets inspectors focus on data while the pilot handles navigation, instantly generating a report


With added scanning sonar as a payload and a powerful NAVIA™ onboard computer, the pilot’s situational awareness increases ten-fold because now the environment around EXRAY™ moves along as if you were driving a car and using Google Maps to navigate. It just becomes so intuitive, that you will have an exceptional level of orientation in a complex environment with little to no visibility. This will help you get your job done faster than ever before.



With the added UTM payload and fully integrated software into NAVIA™ user interface, it only takes a press of a button to start taking metal plate thickness measurements with precision. All the data is available directly on the PILOT and INSPECTOR screens. With every measurement, an A-scan is generated to provide accuracy in measurements. EXRAY™ is designed to guarantee 90-degree firm contact with the metal plate even if the robot itself is disturbed by a sudden current.

EXRAY™ with UTM and NAVIA™ ensures precise metal measurements and firm contact in currents.


NAVIA™+ extends NAVIA™ into the ultimate asset integrity data processing and management agent in real time. NAVIA™+ gives power to the service company to provide valuable insights about the asset integrity condition right after the campaign, with data well organised and with all POIs localised and tagged.

No more days lost fiddling with Gigabytes of unorganised data for a post-mission analysis. The report can be used straight away in asset audit reporting and insurance documentation.  If the mission shows that the repairs need to be made, the client can plan them well in advance, saving significant costs.

 NAVIA™+ boosts NAVIA™ for real-time asset management, providing instant, organized data and ready-to-use reports for audits
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Mission Data Management

Streamlined Workbook Creation

Simplify your data entry with auto-labeled, easy-to-generate reports.

Centralized Data Analysis

Integrate data from multiple missions and EXRAY™ ROVs for a unified view.

Automatic Report Generation

Generate detailed reports with just one click, thanks to intuitive labeling and integration with mission management.

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